An investigation of the role of civic education in the governance of schools in selected secondary schools in Lusaka province,Zambia
Simushi, Mbangweta
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The University of Zambia
This study focused on an investigation of the role of civic education in school
governance in Zambia. The study investigated how civic education can contribute to
solving student’s unrest, teachers and other stakeholder’s discontent in schools. It is
argued in this study that following right governance practices, challenges of teachers and
students unrest in schools often blamed on unequal participation decision-making
processes in schools as a result of poor governance can be resolved. This study
employed a qualitative descriptive research design to investigate the role of civic
education in school governance and used the model on Ladder of Participation.
Three secondary schools namely Arakan Boys, Chongwe and Libala were purposively
sampled as pioneers of civic education from its inception in 2004. 02 DEBS, 03 Head
teachers, and 21 teachers of civic education and non-civic education were purposively
selected. 30 grade twelve pupils from the three schools taking civic education were
selected using random sampling. 24 parents were selected to take part in the study
randomly. Focus group discussions were used to pupils and parents while interviews
were used on head teachers, teachers, and district officials.
The study revealed that good governance from democratic practices existed in schoos.
Stakeholders took part in decision-making processes in schools and that governing
bodies such as Students Representative Councils, Parents Teachers Association and
Management Boards exist. The study revealed that governance in schools has improved
with the coming of civic education even though, there are pockets of unruelly behavior
from pupils. Eventhough governance has improved, Schools still experience low
participation in decision-making and lack accountability, transparency, experience and
confidence due to some poor governance practices. The study therefore recommends for
clear policies to include democratic governance through civic education in the
curriculum at all levels and enforce stakeholder participation in school governance
through democratic practices.
Civic education--Governance--Zambia , Civic education--Participation in decision making--Schools--Zambia