An investigation of factors affecting employee motivation and performance: a case of national housing authority (NHA).
Mupashi, Thomas
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The University of Zambia
Motivated workers tend to show extra commitment towards their work which translate to higher personal performance and consequently improved organizational performance. Financial or monetary rewards such as salary, fringe benefits, bonuses and commission do not necessary motivate employees. There are other ways employees maybe be motivated without financial incentives. In today’s competitive world, organizations both private and public need to maximize the use of their employees’ skills and contribution to achieve organization objectives. Human Capital is one of the most critical resource for any organization in today’s highly competitive business environment. The primary task of any manager is to have an organization that functions effectively and to do that, subordinates must work efficiently and produce results that are beneficial to the organization. It is obvious that motivation is one of the main factors that determine the work performance of employees and highly motivated employees are crucial to an organization's success. If we understand what drives people, then we can make them to do what we want them to do (Kocel, 2010). It is against this background that this research wanted to understand the factors that affect employee motivation at National Housing Authority (NHA) and what strategies management at NHA have put in place to enhance employee motivation and performance. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the factors that affect employee motivation at NHA, to examine how organizational culture influences employee performance at NHA and to assess the effect of motivation on the performance of employees at NHA. The study employed a mixed method research design and a questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The data collected was coded, quantified and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data was coded and arranged by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The key and major findings of the study were that; Job security, salary, effective performance appraisal, recognition and career advancement were major motivation factors for employees at NHA. These results implied that non-financial factors are key in the motivation of employees and signifies the importance of management to take deliberate steps to put in place these non-financial factors. The study recommended that NHA should exploit extrinsic factors such as Job security, effective performance appraisal in their human resource management practices particularly in strategic human resource management to ensure that the employees have a sense of security with their jobs and are well motivated to perform their tasks.
Key Words: Employee motivation, Performance, National Housing Authority, Lusaka Zambia.
Employee motivation. , Job satisfaction. , Organizational behavior. ,