Effects of the social cash transfer support programme as an economic empowerment tool for women in Zambia: a case study of Mwanachingwala.

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Musonda, Chileshe
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The University of Zambia
This study aimed at investigating the effects of the SCT programme as an economic empowerment tool for women, using a case of Mwanachingwala. The objectives that guided this study were: to establish the associated outcomes of the SCT programme on the beneficiaries; to find out the beneficiary’s economic undertakings; and to establish the challenges that have arisen in the process of implementation. Purposive sampling technique was used to identify the beneficiaries, being intentionally interested in the SCT women beneficiaries. A sample size of thirty women and six key informants was used. The qualitative approach was also used and data was collected using a questionnaire and an interview guide. The key findings of this study reveal that the SCT programme has had positive associated outcomes for beneficiaries in terms of increased access to food, health and education services; and improved dignity, respect, self-esteem and decision making. All 30 respondents and 6 key informants agreed that the programme atleast helps to meet the most basic consumption need of food. In terms of economic activities being undertaken, the women are mainly engaged in subsistence farming, rearing small livestock and engaging in small businesses. One of the major challenges of the programme is that it does not work to deliberately empower women economically in its design and implementation. Another is that the programme has limited funding, which has had an impact on the beneficiaries in that there are limited investments, expansion and diversification in and of the business ventures. This study has concluded that the programme has the potential to promote women’s economic empowerment if changes that met the specific needs of women in this aspect were made in terms of policy formulation, planning and effective implementation. This study therefore recommends that the SCT programme considers the inclusion of the viability aspect which will deliberately empower women economically through its policy design and implementation. It should also consider adjusting the amount given to beneficiaries. Key words: Women, Social Cash Transfer (SCT), Women’s Economic Empowerment, Income Generating Activities (IGAs)
Degree of Master of Arts in Development Studies
Women, social cash transfer. , Women in economic development--Government policy--Zambia. , Women--Zambia--Economic conditions.