Implementation of the competency-based curriculum in civic education in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Ng'andu, Moonga
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The University of Zambia
This study sought to investigate the implementation of the competency-based curriculum in Civic Education in Zambian secondary schools. The objectives of this study were: to investigate teachers’ in-service training and application of the competency-based approaches in teaching of Civic Education; establish the availability of appropriate teaching and learning resources for the teaching and learning of Civic education; analyse the effectiveness of monitoring and supervision levels in the teaching and learning process of Civic education. In order to realize the objectives of the study, a mixed methods approach particularly the embedded research design was used. Data was collected from the questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and through observation from a sample of 183 participants which comprised of 120 grade twelve learners; 40 teachers; 10 Heads of Department; 10 Headteachers from ten Government Secondary Schools; 2 Education Standards Officers one from the province and other at the district; and 1 Civic Education Curriculum Specialist from CDC. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was analysed according to themes. The study found that Civic Education teachers in secondary schools were using inappropriate teaching methods such as lecture methods during lessons which could not provide learners with hands-on civic opportunities to enhance the development of skills and disposition. It was also revealed that resources were inadequate and teachers lacked an in- depth knowledge on how to use teaching resources for the effective implementation of the Competency-based approach in Civic Education. Findings further showed that monitoring and supervision was not only inadequate but also based on narrow selection of activities that were not grounded on the quality of teaching. The study therefore concludes that with suitable in-service training, adequate teaching resources and viable monitoring and supervision could lead learners to acquiring not only knowledge but skills and dispositions for informed, responsible and active citizenship. There is need in future for CDC to collaborate with subject associations when providing in-service training with regards to training for practical and meaningful civic learning experiences. Further, it is being recommended that the Ministry of Education should introduce training for monitors and supervisors to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills tailored towards competency-based monitoring and supervision in schools
Civics--Study and teaching. , Curriculum for civic education. , Civic education.