Emerging challenges of using information technology in marketing the Zambian tourism sector: a case study of Zambia tourism agency and travel agents in Livingstone district, Zambia.

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Liswaniso, Nawa
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The University of Zambia
The study examined the emerging challenges of using information technology in marketing the Zambian tourism sector by Zambia tourism agency and travel agents in Livingstone district, Zambia. Using a descriptive research design in nature, qualitative data method was used to collect data by means of primary and secondary sources from a population of travel agents and employees from the Zambia tourism agency involved in marketing activities from which 40 respondents were selected using purposive sampling procedures. Data were collected using questionnaires containing both open-ended and closed questions; an interview guide with semi-structured questions was also used. The results of this study indicates that there were challenges in marketing the tourism sector using information technology despite most respondents having the abilities, skills and knowledge of using information technology. Challenges include, lack of information security, lack of latest technology, slow internet connectivity, high cost of using information technology, and lack of trainings on IT and marketing. The results of this study outlined that from a sample of 40 respondents, 18 respondents said yes there were some challenges being faced and represented 45%, 16 respondents said there were no challenges and represented 40% and 6 respondents were not sure there were some challenges representing 15%. Coefficient of determination: R2 = 1 implied that all of the data points fell perfectly on the regression line. The Regression predictions perfectly fit the data. Based on the research findings, the following recommendations emerged: the government to allocate more funds for information technology development to the tourism sector in training and development, there should be continues updating of tourism information and the travel agents should work hand in hand with the Zambia tourism agency in marketing the tourism sector. Special incentive schemes such as tax holidays, free computers and other ICT resources should be implemented to encourage small medium enterprises in the tourism sector.
Information technology. , Marketing.