The Management of Land Disputes in Zambia and their implications for development: A case study of Mazabuka

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Mfula, Chipo, Twasi
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University of Zambia
Land disputes often have extensive negative effects on economic, social, spatial and ecological development. This is especially time in developing countries and countries in transition, where land market institutions are weak, opportunities for economic gain by illegal action are widespread and many poor people lack access to land. Land disputes can have disastrous effects on individuals as well as on groups and even entire nations. Many conflicts that are perceived to be clashes between different cultures are actually disputes over land and related natural resources. Land conflicts are indeed a widespread phenomenon, and can occur at any time or place. Both need and greed can equally lead to them, and scarcity and increases in land value can make things worse. Land conflicts especially occur when there is a chance to obtain land for free, no matter if this land is state, common or someone's private property. The aim of this study was to examine the management of land disputes and their implications on development in Mazabuka District. It was hoped that the involvement of various stakeholders in the analysis of land disputes resolution would serve as an advocacy strategy by raising their awareness of land related issues. The objectives of the study were, to investigate who the major players in management of land disputes are and their roles, to determine the causes of land disputes, to assess the implications of land disputes resolution management on development and lastly to review the administrative and land use measures that have been employed by the local authority and other relevant stakeholders in trying to stop or reduce land disputes in Mazabuka. This study was a qualitative exploratory study, because the perceptions on the management of land disputes and their impact on development in Mazabuka District were not yet known. Therefore the research aim focused on identifying them. It was hoped that the study would be valuable in exploring these perceptions and therefore contribute to the proposed establishments on effective land management strategies. The population sample size was 65, the study consisted of the residents of Mazabuka District, it also included Government officials, Politicians, the Judiciary, Chiefs/Headmen and other Stakeholders involved in Land Administration in Mazabuka. The study used Purposive Sampling to establish its findings because it has a strong internal validity. Therefore, using this sampling method, key informants from selected organizations and independent persons, helped with the generation of the required qualitative data.
Master of Science in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution
Land tenure--Zambia , Right to property—Zambia