Awareness knowledgement,attitudes and up-take of male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy among youth in Zambia: Acase of Lusaka District.
Phiri, Million
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Scientific evidence has clearly shown that male circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection-by providing partial protection in heterosexual men from contacting HIV by at least 60%.The UNAIDS 2009, reports that one of the key drivers of the HIV epidemic Southern Africa and in particularly in Zambia is the low levels of male circumcision rates among others. The 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey indicated that only 11.4 % of the male youths were circumcised.This study investigated factors underlying uptake of male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy among the youth in selected Zambian communities. A systematic exploratory study was adopted to undertake this survey. Data was collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. A total of 360 male youths aged 15-24 were randomly selected for interviews. Data processed and analysis was done using EPI-DATA and Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software (SPSS). Bivarriate analysis was performed to ascertain existence of relationships between variables.Generally, knowledge levels on whether male circumcision can prevent acquisition of HIV are low amongst all respondents. The findings of the survey revealed despite awareness level of male circumcision being universal only 27.8% of the youths reported to have enough information about male circumcision. Less than half of the sample believed male circumcision can prevent infection of HIV in heterosexual men. Youths who preferred to remain uncircumcised were concerned about the pain to be felt during surgical procedure. It has also been noted that campaigns to promote male circumcision have not been effective in persuading most young people to take up male circumcision as they have failed to communicate factual information about the operation.
Findings indicate that even though male circumcision has been shown to reduce men’s risk of becoming infected with HIV through heterosexual sex, few Zambian youths are aware of this prevention information. There is need to provide the people, particular young men, with adequate information on the health benefits, and risk-reduction related to male circumcision.
Male circumcision , Penis--Surgery , Prepucectomy