Evaluating the effectiveness of the communication strategy used by the road transport and safety agency (RTSA) in promoting road safety in Lusaka urban.
Siatwiko, Getrude
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategy used by the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) in promoting road safety in Lusaka Urban.
The study targeted road users around Misisi and John Lanig area on Kafue road of the Great North Road as the area was reported to have a lots of road traffic accident. The study focused mainly on pedestrians, cyclists, passengers and motorists because these are mainly the road users found on that stretch although according to the findings, pedestrians are more prone to road traffic accidents because the road has six (6) lanes which makes it difficult for them to cross the road.
A descriptive approach was adopted in this study which was nested on the concurrent mixed methods approach. The collection of data used were interviews and questionnaires (quantitative and qualitative) and the data collected was analysed using SPSS (version 25) and NVivo 10.
This study established that the communication strategy is not effective because the channel used are not properly segmented and that there are few programmes in the community on road safety. The study established that most of the messages which are communicated to road users boarders more on motorist’s safety neglected the other road users and the messages do not border much on behavioural change. The study recommended that there is need for the Government through the Ministry of Transport and Logistics and the RTSA to come up with deliberate community road safety programmes targeted at behavioral change for all road users. More effort is needed to ensure that road safety programmes reach the local communities to increase the awareness levels. The study also recommended that road safety messages needs to be segmented according to the road users for communication to attain its desired results and that there is also need for RTSA to also regularly conduct a needs assessment regarding road safety measures and challenges which they face.
Keywords: Road Safety, Communication Strategy, Awareness, Messages, Communication channels
Master of Science in Corporate Communication
Communication strategies--Road Transport and Safety Agency. , Communication strategy.