Challenges faced by the University of Zambia resident lecturers in the provision of University Extension programmes and their possible solutions

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Mandumbwa, Fred
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The purpose of this study was to identify challenges faced by University of Zambia Resident Lecturers, Part-time Tutors and Students in the University extension education and their possible solutions. The objectives were to establish how the policy on University extension education affects the operations of the Resident Lecturer, Part-time tutors and Students; find out how University extension studies courses are selected; determine whether or not the professional orientation of the Resident Lecturer has an effect on the implementation of University extension education; investigate administrative challenges in the provision of extension education; find out the intra-personal challenges faced by the Resident Lecturer and Part-time Tutors; and suggest possible solutions to the challenges faced by the Resident Lecturer, Part-time Tutors and students.A case study method was employed, in which a self-administered questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide, were used to collect data from a sample of 116 respondents. The respondents consisted of 80 students, 35 Part-time tutors and one (1) Resident Lecturer.The findings showed that there were insurmountable challenges faced by the Resident Lecturer, Part-time tutors and students. The study established the following: there was no monitoring or evaluation of the Resident Lecturer’s activities or performance more especially by University management apart from ‘audit of accounts’; there was massive failure by the intended beneficiaries to embrace University extension education. To date, it has been difficult to create classes in some districts; lack of a library or reference books for both students and Part-time tutors to use has also served as a challenge. In view of the findings, the following prepositions are being suggested. Continuous evaluation of University extension education is necessary so as to enhance the operations of the Resident. Lecturer, as well as Part-time Tutors. This strategy would inform management of the happenings in the Province. University management should also ensure that the library section at the office of the Resident Lecturer is restocked with relevant literature for research by Part-time Tutors and Students. This in turn will improve the quality of education being provided by University extension Unit. The Resident Lecturer should be seen to be an extension worker and not be sedentary in an office as is the case now.
Adult education--Zambia , University extension--Zambia