The University of Zambia environmental education practicum in Lusaka district
Chimba, Kafula
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The University of Zambia
This study was an investigation on the benefits and challenges of UNZA-EE student
practicum in selected attaching institutions in Lusaka District of Zambia. The study was
conducted because there was an information gap on the benefits and challenges students
faced during their EE practicum at the University of Zambia and attaching institutions.
There seems to be very little knowledge about the benefits and challenges of UNZA-EE
practicum at the University of Zambia and attaching institutions, hence the need to conduct
this study. The study was conducted at the University of Zambia and 10 selected attaching
This study was concurrent embedded mixed method study. The data collection methods used
were semi-structured interviews and questionnaire from a sample of ninety seven (97)
respondents. The sample comprised 67 UNZA-EE (2018) fourth year students, 10 EE
graduates, 10 UNZA -EE lecturers and 10 officers from selected attaching institution.
UNZA-EE (2018) fourth year students were sampled using simple random sampling for
quantitative data while purposive sampling was used to sample UNZA-EE lecturers, EE
graduates and officers from attaching institutions. Qualitative data was analyzed using
thematic approach while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics in form
of tables and charts were generated using Special Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and
in some instance Microsoft Word and Excel were used.
The study revealed that the practicum was an essential component of the EE programme
because of the benefits students accrued. The benefits accrued included: increased
knowledge in Environmental Issues, acquired new knowledge and exposure from industry,
ability to work interdependent and independent and developed moral standards to the
The study also established that there were more challenges and areas in need of
improvement about UNZA-EE practicum. Challenges such as poor orientation to practical
work at the University of Zambia and attaching institutions, insufficient preparation on EE
practicum course work at the university, inadequate evaluation process by UNZA among
others. Areas in need of improvement included clarity on the nature of tasks assigned by
attaching institutions, poor writing skills and standardized of final attachment preparation
reports, inadequate funding for visits by university lecturers among others.
Furthermore, the study established that although the practicum was not that beneficial, it was
essential to the trainee students. The study concluded that the UNZA-EE practicum was not
very beneficial mainly because the challenges and areas in need of improvement about it
outweighed its benefits. Most of these challenges were caused by poor funding of practicals
and also lack of funds for effective monitoring and observation of students during their
practicum. Inadequate funding had negatively affected the implementation and
administration of the practicum programme at UNZA.
The study further recommended that government through the Ministry of Higher Education
should increase funding to the University of Zambia, particularly the School of Education
and specifically the Environmental Education Unit.
Key words: Attaching institutions, benefits, challenges, practicum, areas of improvement
and way forward.
Practicum--Benefits and challenges--Zambia , Student practicum--Zambia