Knowledge and practice of women in the child bearing age on tetanus toxoid immunisation in lusaka district.

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Chileshe, Emmelia.
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Zambia is among the 49 countries world wide that still have to eliminate MNT. Although it is well controlled through immunization activities the concentration is still among pregnant women during Antenatal Care (ANC). For the nation to reach a substantial reduction in the incidence of neonatal tetanus, all females who are aged between 15 and 49 years; pregnant or not pregnant should be immunized with TT using all contacts with the health services. The study aimed at determining the knowledge and practice of women in the child bearing age on TT immunization in Lusaka district. Literature review on TT immunization in many parts of the world including Zambia was obtained and discussed according to different surveys on tetanus that have been carried out world wide. It covered a general insight on prevention of tetanus, TT immunization practices, coverage of TT immunization, knowledge of TT immunization among health providers and women, as well as coverage of TT on women in the child bearing age. The study was conducted on 50 women in the child bearing age attending MCH services at Kalingalinga health centre in Lusaka district. A descriptive non-interventional research design was used in this study. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. Data was collected over a period of 10 days using a structured interview schedule and was analyzed manually with the aid of a scientific calculator. It was then presented using frequency and cross tabulations tables. The study findings demonstrated that most of the respondents had moderate knowledge on TT immunization and their practices were generally good towards TT immunization. TT immunization is still mostly conducted during ANC and therefore, most women were immunized when they fell pregnant. Even if the respondents had moderate knowledge and good practice towards TT immunization, only 14 respondents had more than 3 doses which were received inconsistently. Education level did not seem to have a big impact on knowledge regarding TT immunization; regardless of the level of knowledge education one had attained knowledge was still moderate. Similarly, the respondents' number of pregnancies had no influence on the level of knowledge. It is important to note that most women acquired their information on TT immunization from the health facility during ANC services, thus this immunization is widely associated with pregnancy. Therefore the researcher recommends that EC on TT immunization be spread to all women who come to the health facility for other services and not necessary MCH ones.
Tetanus. , Pregnant women --Lusaka district. , Tetanus --Prevention in preganancy --Lusaka district