Four Cases of Extra Uterine Pregnancy

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Nightingale, E. A.
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Medical Journal of Zambia.
On 16.2.67 an African women from 140 miles away was admitted with severe abdominal pain. She appeared to be at term There was some fluid in the abdomen and the foetus appeared to be lying in the abdomen transversely. She was given a blood transfusion and lml of spinal nupercaine injected. After 5 minutes the respiration became laboured but she responded to ephedrine, adrenaline and oxygen. At operation the amniotic sac and placenta were adherent to the abdominal wall, omentum, spleen and uterus. The foetus was extracted but the haemorrhage was severe. A subtotal .hysterectomy was preformed as most of the placenta remaining was adherent to the uterus. The placental site was covered with oxycel gauze and the abdomen closed, but the patient collapsed and died. The infant weighed 7 1bs. 8ozs. It is obvious that any attempts to remove the placenta should be avoided.
Cases of extra uterine pregnancy in Zambia
Extra Uterine Pregnancy--Zambia , Pregnancy, Ectopic--Zambia , Pregnancy, Extrauterine--Zambai , Ectopic Pregnancy--Zambia
Nightingale, E. A. (1969). Four Cases of Extra Uterine Pregnancy. Medical Journal of Zambia. 2 (5)