Exploring teachers and learners’ experiences with inclusive methodologies for learners with disabilities: a study at two selected primary schools in Isoka district, Zambia.
Nakamba, Eness
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The University of Zambia
The study sought to explore inclusive methodologies for learners with different learning disabilities at two selected primary schools in Isoka district of Muchinga province of Zambia. The study adopted an exploratory phenomenological research design and it employed qualitative approach to collect data. A sample size comprised of 8 teachers and their learners in their irrespective classrooms were used. The participants were all selected through homogeneous sampling. The following instruments were used in data collection: interview guide, observation checklist and document analysis. Data collected was analysed using thematic analysis. This involved coding of data to generate the emerging themes. The major findings of the study revealed that some teachers used ordinary teaching methods such as teacher exposition, whole class discussion, question and answer methods in their classroom. It was also discovered that some teachers used playing with the basket methods and songs. In addition, fast learners were dominating slow learners. The findings further revealed that there was inadequate time to attend to diverse needs of learners and lack of teaching and learning materials to use in inclusive classrooms. There was also shortage of desks forcing learners to sit on the floor during learning hours. Little or no parental involvement in the education of learners was observed and very few teachers were trained in special education. In light of these
findings, the study recommended that inclusive schools be provided with adequate teaching and learning materials; teachers should be trained on how to use inclusive methods during their teaching training so as to cater for various needs of learners with disabilities.
Thesis of Masters of Education in Special Education.