Influence of counselling and informational campaigns in mitigating alcohol abuse among the youth in Zambia : a case of Mtendere compound in Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Njombo, William
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The University of Zambia
This study aimed to investigate the effects of counseling and awareness campaigns in the mitigation of alcohol abuse among the youth in Zambia. The study was based on a case study of Mtendere Compound in Lusaka. The sample size for this research was thirty (30) respondents including twenty (20) adolescents aged 12 – 18 years from Mtendere compound and ten(10) key informants including parents, teachers, counsellors, mental health clinicians, peer educators, media practitioners and officials from the district social welfare office. These participants were also chosen by convenience and purposive sampling. Data was collected using one to interviews and questionnaires. Thematic and content analysis were used to analyse data. The study has found that even though adolescents have been exposed to knowledge on the harmful effects of alcohol, the levels of knowledge, the level of sensitization has been weak due to a number of intervening factors including parental influence, curiosity emanating from the teenage feeling of independence, encouragement by older relatives and the influence of alcohol marketing campaigns. Other factors are the lack of recreational facilities coupled with the wide spread presence of drinking places that sell alcohol and that do not adhere to age restrictions on selling to or admitting young patrons into their premises. The research also found that counseling can promote a systematic way for alcohol dependent young persons to recover and make better decisions, free of liquor abuse. In addition, it was found out that counseling can be effective in inducing recovery and behavioral change among adolescents. The findings further show that well designed and executed mass – media campaigns are an influential means for propagating anti abuse messaging among the youthful populations. A larger youth population of different age groups and diverse socioeconomic backgrounds found in different social settings can be sensitized and taught on the dangers of alcohol abuse, using multiple channels like television commercials, the internet, mobile phones, newspapers and roadside bill boards. A combination of mass media and community based informational campaigns induced positive attitudes towards the responsible consumption of alcohol. They promote behaviours such as the delay in the debut of alcohol consumption, till the legal age is attained, moderation in the type and quantity of alcoholic beverages consumed and the reversal of consumption patterns from destructive usage to complete abstinence. the following recommendations were made: There is need for the government , through the Ministry of Youth and Sport to set up more recreational facilities to be set up to provide alternative entertainment for the youth. This can be done in conjunction with local partners at the community level such as non governmental community based organization and private sector enterprises, the Department of Community Development, Ministry of General Education and Health as Well as the Drug Enforcement Commission need to facilitate the setting up of antidrug and alcohol abuse clubs in schools and the community to sensitize on the dangers of abuse and to help youths engaged in alcohol abuse. These clubs need to also involve parents and provide a platform where parents can cooperate with other stake holders in discouraging drug and alcohol abuse. The Zambia Police, Lusaka city Council and community neighborhood watch groups should carry out more patrols and inspection in drinking premises to curb the prevalence of underage drinking. Fines and other sanctions to punish offending premises must be made stiffer and more awareness campaigns must be conducted on the dangers of alcohol abuse involving media campaigns, visual and performing arts, posters and banners and so on. These campaigns require input from all sector including responsible government agencies, civil society and the corporate world among others.
Thesis of Masters of Science in Counselling