A history of the Mission Press in Zambia,1970-2011
Kabombwe, Yvonne M.
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University of Zambia
This study explores the crucial aspects of Mission Press with regards to the origin , social and political contribution in Zambia. It demonstrates that initiative began in 1951, by Catholic Franciscan missionaries in Kitwe. However, due to various challenges, Mission Press was only established in 1970 in Ndola in Chifubu Township. The Press began printing Christian Catholic publications such as the Icengelo, the Workers Challenge, Speak Out and Challenge Magazines. Mission press also printed for other christian denominations and private companies.
The study highlights the various roles which the Mission Press played in Zambia. It highlights that the main purpose for establishing the Press was evangelisation through publications. Nonetheless, the Press also focused on the social concerns of the local people such as education, preservation of traditional values, youth empowerment, health issues and entertainment. The study also shows that Mission Press played a critical role in educating people through its publications on issues of human rights and good governance.
The study further shows that Mission Press faced opposition from successive Zambian government as a result of its publications in the Second and Third Republics. The editors were intimidated, threatened and sometimes manhandled. In its fight for justice, Mission Press defended the rights of the poor and the vulnerable in society. Political prisoners were released, vulnerable settlers were not evicted from their settlements and the conditions of service for workers were improved. Lastly, this wrok argues that the Press played a valuable role in the transition from the one-party political system to multi-party democracy in Zambia.
Thesis(MA)-University of Zambia,2015
Printing-Zambia-History , Catholic Church-Catechisms-Zambia