Towards a healthier water and sanitation sewerage system: -A case study of participatory communication in Kanyama compound, Lusaka

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Simukali, Melody
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This report aims to assess participatory communication towards a healthier water sewerage and sanitation system in Kanyama Compound. Kanyama Compound has for a long-time now recorded one of the highest cholera and diarrhoeal cases year after year, due to lack of proper water and sanitation systems.A total of 120 respondents participated of which all these were Kanyama residents. Data was collected through questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Other secondary data like books, journals were also used. The data from questionnaires was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences.Results show that the community is being supported and empowered to genuinely participate in issues of water and sanitation. The management infrastructure for community development includes the Ward Development Committee, Community Based Organisations, Neighbourhood health groups, schools clinic and indeed other stakeholders have been very instrumental in ensuring full participation of the community. Capacity building and skill development have been seen as very essential to ensure progressive and beneficial participatory communication. A lot of stakeholders have come on board to ensure that all projects surrounding water and sanitation are participatory of the beneficiaries. This has been done to instil sense of ownership, security and skills development. This helps the community to be easily weaned off to ensure continuity and sustainability.There has been also remarkable reduction in cholera and diarrhoeal cases due to intensified campaigns, general stakeholder intervention and community involvement. There is also willingness on part of the community to participate in improving their water and sanitation problems.Following the findings of the research it was recommended that there should be intensified training in participatory communication so as to enhance more community participation, also the need for budgetary allocation to communication in development. The provision of facilities like bins, water should to go hand in hand with campaign to change attitude.
Safe Drinking Water , Water and Sanitation , Sewerage