Assessment of the above ground carbon stock in the disturbed part of Kanonge local forest of Kaputa district in Northern province, Zambia.
Nyirenda, Amos
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The University of Zambia
The sequestration and storage of additional atmospheric carbon from anthropogenic sources by forests contribute significantly to the mitigation of climate change. There are several factors that can alter the carbon store in forest ecosystems, some of which change over time, including climatic
factors, insect or disease outbreaks, as well as anthropogenic factors. Therefore, by planting, managing, and rehabilitating forests sustainably, forest carbon stocks can be preserved and enhanced. The use of a sequential explanatory design allowed the quantitative data to be collected and analysed first and the qualitative data to be collected and analysed later to explain the variable linkages. As a result, 15 sample plots were used in the forest, 266 households were sampled in villages adjacent to the forest, and 30 key informants were purposively sampled from the Forestry Department and Zambia Forestry and Forest corporations (ZAFFICO). The quantitative data was collected using forest inventories and household surveys, while the qualitative data was collected using key informants’ interviews. The allometric equations were used to analyse forest inventory data; logistic regression was used to analyse household survey data; and the key informant interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. The results show that the above-ground biomass and carbon stock were 347.22 t ha-1 and 195.81 t ha-1, respectively. The logistic regression results show that forest product use, farm size, household size, and forest clearing were the significant predictors of the aboveground carbon stock loss. The results further reveal that there is inadequate intersectoral coordination at the district and local levels. Further study should be done to find strategies to sustain carbon stocks in the forest while maintaining the use of the forest by the local communities. This study provides accurate estimates of forest and tree carbon stocks and supports the development of the district integrated plan in accordance with decentralized policy. This information can therefore be used at the district and national levels in various carbon programs like REDD+, offering the district the chance to participate in the fight against climate change and global warming.
Thesis of the Degree of Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resource Management.