Exploring management experiences of female heads of department: the case of social sciences heads of department in selected secondary schools in Lusaka urban district.

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Moomba, Ireen
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The University of Zambia
This study explored management experiences of female social sciences heads of departments in selected secondary schools in Lusaka urban District, Zambia. The researcher used the qualitative approach with a descriptive research design in carrying out the study. The main population targets in this research were 5 female heads of social sciences department, 10 school administrators and 10 Teachers of Civic Education. The total sample population were 25. Data was collected through interviews and was analysed using thematic analysis. The study revealed decentralisation of the department into sections, monitoring of teacher and learner performance and holding of in-house and continues development meetings were key management strategies employed by female social sciences heads of departments . Management challenges faced by female social sciences heads of department includes subject management, management of over populated human resource, teacher absenteeism, and frequent permission, material constraints and limited space for operations. On the kind of support female social sciences heads of department received from school management, it was revealed that Head of Department received skill development, provision of teaching and learning aids and moral support in teacher management On strategies aimed at enhancing management practices of female social sciences heads of department, it was revealed that there is need to enhance in-house meetings and workshops, infrastructure development for effective operation, appointment of Head of Departments based on merit and continued academic advancement, boosting of teaching and learning aids and teacher motivation. The study concluded that despite challenges experienced faced by female social sciences heads of department; there is still window of opportunity available to improve the running of the department. The study recommended that Heads of the departments through the social sciences association should have some periodic engagement in order to compare how Heads of the departments from other schools are managing to run their departments. The Ministry of Education should consider downsizing the human resource in the social sciences department for easy management by considering taking Teachers of social sciences to where their services are needed most than taking them to already populated schools and departments. The Ministry of Education should offer periodic training to the Heads of the departments through CPDs so that they are always acquitted with new changes in the system. Keywords: Female head of department, Management experiences, social science department.
Master of Education in Civic Education
Women in leadership. , Women in management. , Women--School manager.