Exploring the role of education education in mitigating teenage pregnancy among secondary school children in Munali area, in Lusaka, Zambia.
Lungowe, Wamunyima P
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University of Zambia, Institute of Distance Education
This study was aimed at exploring the role of education in mitigating teenage pregnancy
among secondary school children in Munali area, Lusaka. The research design was a
descriptive case study in which interviews were conducted and questionnaires were
distributed.The themes of this research were i). to determine how education can mitigate
teenage pregnancy among school children, ii). to identify factors that lead to teenage
pregnancy among secondary school girls, and iii). to establish possible challenges and
barriers of education in mitigating teenage pregnancy. Thisresearch takes a total of 40
participants including 20 school teenage girls who happen to be the main characteristic
feature for which this study was undertaken, 10 teachers, and 10 heads of department. In
response to the educative measures in order to mitigate teenage pregnancy, among the
findings the study found that there is need to promote community service activities, and
providing education about birth control is among the main measures to consider in order
mitigate teenage pregnancies. Also the study found that misinterpretation of children’s,
lack of awareness and insight regarding the consequences of teenage pregnancy are
among the major factors leading to teenage pregnancy. More so, it found that poor
collaboration among school departments, lack of public awareness and programs, lack of
sensitization workshops and having unqualified educators in terms of counseling both in
the communities and schools are some of the challenges and barriers being faced thereby
leading to high levels of teenage pregnancies. Additionally, most prominent
recommendations suggest that the Zambian government with other stakeholders
including parents to be actively engaged in partnership with the schools, communities
such as Munali, and work together with social workers so as to curb teenage pregnancies.
Teenage pregnancy--Zambia. , Teenage girls--Education--Zambia. , Sexual abstinence--Study and teaching (Secondary)--Zambia.