An investigation into the state of record management at Chibombo district education board secretary’s office and the effect on teachers in central province of Zambia.
Nyirenda, Jessy
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The University of Zambia
This research aimed to investigate the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office and its Effect on Teachers in Central Province, Zambia. The study was purely qualitative and guided by the records life cycle model of Theodore Schellenberg and the records continuum model by Frank Upward. To carry out this study, a case design study design was adopted and 22 participants were selected who consisted of 10 technical members and 15 teachers from 5 different schools. The participants were selected using nonprobability sampling design, specifically heterogeneous purposive sampling. The study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from the participants. In addition, secondary sources such as reports to augment the findings of the study were used. The Objectives of the study were to explore the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary's Office; assess the extent to which teachers in Chibombo District are affected by the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office; examine the level of security provided for records at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office; determine the factors that contribute to the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office; and to find strategies that would improve record management at the Chibombo Education Board Secretary‟s Office. The data obtained from the participants was analyzed for findings accordingly using constant comparative analysis. The key findings indicated that the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office was poor. The investigation also revealed that the level of security provided for records was both adequate and inadequate. Furthermore, the research showed that mismanagement and lack of skilled personnel contributed to the state of record management at the Chibombo District Education Board Secretary‟s Office. Recommended Strategies include digital migration, enhancement of office capacity, maintenance of office space and provision of continuous in-service training programs as well as the provision of trained equipped with the knowledge and skill to be responsible for records.
Thesis of Master of Education in Educational Management.