Sustainability of adult education institutions: a case study of Panuka institute of Pemba district of Zambia

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Hampamba, Alexious Maliko
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The University of Zambia
This study sought to establish the sustainability of Panuka institute. The objectives were to: describe the factors which led to the success of Panuka Institute; establish the circumstances which led to the subsequent down fall and explore community perspectives on how Panuka Institute can be resuscitated. The study employed qualitative approach in data collection with a case study design. The population of the study was about 71. Using a purposive sampling procedure in selecting the respondents, the researcher used 2 focus group discussions with 10 headmen and semi-structured-interview with 5 former learners and in-depth interviews with 3 former executive management committee members and 2 lecturers from UNZA Department of Adult Education. The findings from the study showed that stakeholder involvement, trust, innovativeness, hard work and unity of purpose, development and learning led to the successful establishment of the institution. The finding also revealed that inadequate external resources, leadership, volunteers, handouts and vastness of the project and lack of clear policy guidelines culminated in the subsequent reduction of programme operations. Furthermore, the findings from the study established that in order to revive and sustain Panuka Institute, it should be rehabilitated and renovated; leadership should be contractual and democratically elected by local people; the institute should craft a constitution and policies and should engage in fundraising ventures. The study concluded that Panuka Institute had serious challenges which led to its downfall but if rightful interventions are put in place, the institute can be revived and sustained. The study recommends that: Panuka Institute should formulate local constitutions and policies to guide their opera tions; Panuka Institute should constantl y consult for expert knowledge from colleges and universities th at offer adult education programmes; volunteers should be paid for services they render to the institutions ; and the government, through the line Ministry of Community Development and Social Services should supplement re sources to Panuka institute Key words: sustainability, institution, Panuka and stakeholders.
Adult education--Zambia , Adult education institutions--Zambia