Participation in actvities for daily living by learners with cerebral palsy: a case of Dagama school in Luanshya district,Zambia
Unene, Queen Lutwi
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This study investigated the participation of learners with Cerebral Palsy in Activities for Daily Living at Dagama Special School in Luanshya district, Zambia. This study aimed to establish whether learners were engaged in activities for daily living independently at home and at school. A case study design was used in this study. Purposive sampling was used to sample 20 key informants. The sample consisted of 2 managers, (Head teacher and deputy teacher), 4 teachers and 5 house parents, 4 parents, 4 learners and 1 physiotherapist. Primary data was collected through interviews, lesson observations and focus group discussions done with key respondents. Secondary data was collected from reports, articles, previous research findings, books journals and the internet. Data was analysed thematically. The findings showed that not all pupils with cerebral palsy were independent in performing Activities for daily living. The teachers said that they helped the children when it came to the use of lab equipment for instance, writing and movement within the classroom. Individualised Educational programme was not followed much but grouped teaching was mostly done. Parents too though tried to train their children, not all engaged in daily chores or occupations necessary to manage the day. Challenges in taking part in the daily chores, class work and play or extra-curricular activities existed due to differences in severity of disability and training from home as well shortage of house parents and limited physiotherapy received. Two of the home environments where the learners come from were not conducive for them to perform daily activities that would require a lot of space and movement. The school environment was conducive as it was built to accommodate the mobility of wheelchairs and those with clutches. The study recommended that a multi-disciplinary approach be applied in helping learners with cerebral palsy participate in activities for daily living at home and at school. This will allow teachers, parents and therapists to work together to train the learners to be independent. Also continuing professional development was recommended for teachers to handle learners with cerebral palsy aright. Parents need sensitization through workshops.
Cerebral palsied children--Zambia , Cerebral palsied children--Independently daily living activities--Zambia