Visually Impaired Pupil's Awareness of HIV and AIDS in Upper basic Schools of Zambia
Shanzuwa, Biggie
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the visually impaired pupils' awareness of HIV and AIDS in Upper Basic Schools. The study was guided by the following objectives: (1) to determine the extent of HIV and AIDS awareness among the visually impaired pupils in Upper Basic Schools of Zambia, (2) to find out how the visually impaired pupils in Upper Basic Schools acquired information on HIV and AIDS, and (3) to establish ways by which information on HIV and AIDS awareness for the visually impaired pupils in Upper Basic Schools may be increased if at all it was low.The study used a case study approach. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were employed. The population consisted of all the visually impaired pupils and specialist teachers in Upper Basic Schools of Zambia. The sample size comprised 40 visually impaired pupils, (10 from each school in the sample), 4 head teachers and 8 specialist teachers (2 from each school in the sample). The study revealed that the majority of the visually impaired pupils do not have in-depth awareness of HIV and AIDS. The main reason advanced was largely lack of Braille version of the textbooks and other learning and teaching materials on the subject. The study revealed that the main sources of Pupils' awareness of HIV and AIDS matters were through drama and sensitization talks from teachers. The study also showed that there were no proper libraries within the sampled schools.Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations have been suggested:The Ministry of Education should ensure that all HIV and AIDS material sent to schools for the visually impaired is transcribed into Braille in order to enable them to read it.
1. The Ministry of Education should send HIV and AIDS Brailed material to all schools for the visually impaired in order to make it accessible to learners and thereby increase their awareness of the pandemic in those schools.
2. The Ministry of Education should train more teachers in Braille in order to increase literacy among the visually impaired and enable many of them to read and be aware of HIV/AIDS matters.
Visual Impairment , HIV/AIDS and awareness