The teaching civic education in Zambian schools: a tool for conflict resolution in the community.a study of selected schools in Lusaka INCE.

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Mainde, Davy
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The University of Zambia
This study was aimed at examining the teaching of Civic Education in the secondary schools in Zambia and how it serves as tool for conflict resolution in the community. The following questions guided the study: How is the teaching of civic education in Zambian school used as a tool for conflict resolution in the community? What strategies are used in the teaching of Civic Education in Zambian schools which make it a tool for conflict resolution in the community? What challenges are experienced in the teaching of Civic Education in Zambian schools as a tool for conflict resolution in the community? What solutions can be proposed to the challenges faced in the Teaching of Civic Education in Zambian school as a tool for conflict resolution in the community? The study was guided by conceptual framework emanating from three strands of Civic Education which are; Civic knowledge, Civic Skills and Civic Values. Related literature on conflict management styles as well as concept and goals of Civic Education were consulted. In ensuring that the study is systematic, a case study design under qualitative research was used. The data was collected using primary and secondary sources, while thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data so that it can make sense. The study demonstrated the importance of teaching Civic Education as a tool for conflict resolution in the community through the provision of knowledge on: human rights, imparting of civic skills for effective participation, for conflict resolution and for effective leadership. It was established that the teaching of Civic Education in secondary schools in Zambia enables learners to be critical thinkers and also helping in curbing social challenges. Strategies used in the teaching of Civic Education in secondary school which includes: affiliation to subject association, pupils’ administrative boards, invitation of professionals, conducting of education tours to public institutions and also through community engagement were discussed as presented by respondents. Learner centered methods which includes; discussion, debate, research and explanation were also discussed. This study established that revision of the curriculum, lack of reliable textbooks, high illiteracy level in the community and lack of academic freedom as the main challenges which teachers face in the teaching of Civic Education. In order to address these challenges, the study suggested the: involvement of teachers in curriculum revision,compulsory teaching of Civic Education in all secondary school faculties, continue revision of Civic Education textbooks and provision of online libraries as remedies to challenges which educators faces in the teaching of Civic Education. From the findings of the study, it was recommended that, there must be constant revision of Civic Education syllabus and textbooks to meet the new changes in the community. The Ministry of General Education to empower teachers and other professionals who take a leading role in the production of the Civic Education textbooks at all levels of education which meet the current demands of the community and there must be academic freedom to allow teachers cover subject content without fear of victimisation. Government through the Ministry of General Education should recast their decision to enforce the teaching of Civic Education as a compulsory teaching subject in all education faculties in secondary schools. In addition, the Ministry of General Education must open online libraries to enable teachers and learners to access variety of teaching and learning materials.
Conflict resolution--Teaching--Schools , Civic education--Study and teaching