Bathymetry of the Makoye reservoir and its implications on water security for livestock within the catchment.
Muchanga, Manoah
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Conscientia Beam
The objectives of the study were to: determine bathymetry of the reservoir; understand
seasonal hydrological regimes of the reservoir; determine factors influencing reservoir
bathymetry and, examine the implications of the reservoir's bathymetry on livestock
water demand and policy decision making. The determined reservoir bathymetries and
capacities at low, medium and full levels confirmed drastic changes in water volumes
and eventually, a threat to water security for livestock. This unsteady equilibrium in
reservoir's bathymetry and water volumes was mainly due to high mean annual
siltation rates (>5,000 tyr-1
). Using 3D spatial analysts tools in ArcGIS 10.3 and
spreadsheet Microsoft Excel to analyze the data based on the study, hypsometric curves
showed strong non-linear relationships among water depth and water surface; water
depths and water volume, as well as water surface area and water volume. Generally,
through inter-seasonal comparisons of reservoir's bathymetries and water volumes
between 2015 and 2017, this study illustrates the significance of bathymetric study of
small reservoirs as a plinth to provide policy context and guidelines on water resource
management for livestock, as a missing component in general studies of bathymetry,
which are usually predominated by understanding the physical processes, but with little
or no emphasis on their meaning towards addressing societal needs. Hence, a
community engaged strategy to addressing upstream sediment-generating activities
would help in stabilizing the bathymetry of the reservoir and eventually enhance water
security for livestock
Bathymetry. , Water security. , Livestock. , Sedimentation. , Hydrological regime.
Muchanga, M. Sichingabula, H.M., Obando, J., Chomba, I., Sikazwe, H., Chisola, M. (2019). Bathymetry of the Makoye Reservoir and its Implications on Water Security for Livestock in the Catchment. International Journal of Geography and Geology. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 93-109.