Factors hindering primary health care delivery in chibombo district
Shikabi, Penzi
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The study investigated factors hindering primary health care delivery in Chibombo District.
The Zambia government adopted the primary health care model as a strategy for improving the health of its population. The aim of primary health care is to provide efficient, cost effective and quality health services as close to the community as possible. However, despite the adoption of this model, primary health care delivery in rural areas of Zambia has continued to be a challenge. According to the Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (2007), rural areas in Zambia experience high level of mortality and morbidity due to preventable and treatable diseases.
The overall objective of this of this study was to investigate the factors which impede primary health care delivery in Chibombo District. The specific objectives of the study were; to identify primary health care facilities and services provided in Chibombo District; to identify the constraints faced by primary health care facilities in Chibombo District; to investigate the barriers which people face in accessing primary health care facilities in Chibombo District and; to examine the level of community participation in primary health care in Chibombo District.
The sample size of this study was 130 respondents. These consisted of 100 households, 20 staff in charge of health facilities, 4 chairpersons of Neighbourhood Health Committees (NHCs), 3 Community Health Workers (CHWs), 2 councillors and the District Medical Officer. Both primary and secondary data were used for this research.Qualitative and quantitative data was used for the study. Qualitative data was analysed by transcribing it into the major themes which emerged. Quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The study found out that health facilities in Chibombo District were inadequate and existing one experienced shortages of personnel, lack of equipment, stock outs of drugs and low budgetary allocation which hampered delivery of primary health care. The study found out that physical and economic barriers were major obstacles which people faced in accessing primary health care facilities and services.
The study recommends that the number of primary health care facilities in Chibombo District be increased and human resources management and administration should be strengthened to avert staff shortages in health facilities. A contingency plan for the supply of drugs and equipment to health facilities should be developed. Budgetary allocation to health facilities should be increased as well as scaling up on community health system strengthening.
Primary Health Care --Zambia