An assessment of the teaching of calculus: a case of three secondary school teachers of mathematics in Chinsali district, Zambia.
Simovwe, John
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The University of Zambia
This descriptive qualitative case study focused on the assessment of the teaching of Calculus at senior secondary school level in Chinsali district of Zambia. The study was motivated by the Zambian School certificate candidates’ poor performance in questions based on the newly introduced topic of Calculus as well as the lack of research literature concerning the causes of the said poor performance. Specifically, teachers’ subject matter knowledge in the area of secondary school Calculus was investigated. In addition, the teaching strategies which mathematics teachers employed to teach the topic were examined. Furthermore, mathematical challenges faced by the teachers when teaching Calculus were explored. Three purposively selected teachers of senior secondary mathematics participated in this study. A teacher was chosen from each of the three conveniently sampled secondary schools (sites) in Chinsali district. Data was collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and video recorded lesson observations. Questionnaires were analysed question by question to determine the teachers’ depth of understanding of the subject matter while the transcribed interview data and video recorded observations were explored for similar answer segments for interpretation. This study revealed that sampled teachers did not have in-depth understanding of subject matter knowledge of secondary school Calculus. They could not, for example, solve problems using the chain rule, product rule and quotient rule. Likewise, the teachers had difficulties to find the equation of a normal as well as the area bounded by a curve. Furthermore, teacher-centered methods, to the exclusion of other teaching methods, were used by the three teachers to teach Calculus. They never prepared lesson plans and solely relied on text books when teaching. Apart from that, this study reviewed that teachers had difficulties to explain concepts on Calculus to the learners. This scenario corroborated the finding relating to the teachers’ shallow subject matter knowledge of the topic. It is therefore recommended that intensive regular in-service courses for teachers of mathematics are conducted in the area of Calculus as a way of fostering teachers’ subject matter knowledge and teaching skills. It is also recommended that internal monitoring of lessons by school administrators be intensified to ensure that teachers prepare for lessons.
Keywords: Assessment, Calculus, Teaching strategies, Mathematical Challenges, Subject Matter Knowledge, Senior Secondary School
Mathematics--Study and teaching--Zambia.