Analysis of instructional techniques teachers of english are using in grade seven to teach reading comprehension in selected primary schools in Monze district, Zambia.

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Nawa, Inonge Martha
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The University of Zambia
The study analyzed instructional techniques used by teachers in teaching reading comprehension in grade seven in selected primary schools of Monze district. The objectives of the study were: assess teachers knowledge of teaching techniques used in teaching reading comprehension, analyze instructional techniques teachers use to teach reading comprehension and to establish challenges teachers face when teaching reading comprehension. The study utilized descriptive research design within qualitative research approach. The target population of this study included all teachers of grade seven and all grade seven pupils in Monze district. 25 participants formed the sample size that was homogeneously purposively selected due to the nature of the study. Data was collected through interviews, focused group discussion and through non-participant lesson observations. Data was categorized into themes that formed the roadmap for data interpretation and discussion. To help researcher have trust in what was collected, data was verified through member checking, a technique that allowed researcher go back to participants to get the feedback ask if what researcher wrote was true. From the findings, on the first objective, it was established that teachers had knowledge on instructional techniques used in the teaching of reading comprehension. To some it implied methods, skills, ways, strategies, approaches and methods used in teaching reading comprehension. Despite the differences in explaining what instructional techniques are, most of them mentioned the correct techniques as examples. Some teachers though showed lack of knowledge as when asked they could not say anything. With regard to instructional techniques teachers used to teach reading comprehension, many techniques were established and these included: previewing, reading aloud, silent reading, passage discussion, questioning, prediction, vocabulary analysis, storytelling and picture reading. These techniques were concurrently used with one lesson (observation made). Teachers strived to teach learners in reading comprehension but faced many challenges in their endeavors. Some of the prominent challenges included: lack of infrastructure (desks and space in classes), lack of reading materials in schools due to large class sizes, language barriers, difficult of vocabulary in books and laziness of learners. Despite these challenges teachers used other alternatives in helping learners such as catch-up activities, remedial work and giving daily home works to learners. In view of the findings, the study recommends the need to have Continuous Professional Development (CPDs) to always sensitise and update teachers in schools to enable them apply reading comprehension techniques effectively. There is need to improve school infrastructure and provision of adequate reading materials in schools to enhance improvements in reading comprehension among learners.
Thesis of Master of Education in Literacy, Language and Applied Linguistics