The evaluation of the implementation of the primary literacy programme (PLP) to enhance the reading skills among grade 3 children with hearing impairment in selected schools in Zambia.
Chibuye, Langson
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The University of Zambia
The goal of this study was to evaluate how well the Primary Literacy Programme (PLP) was working to Improve the reading abilities ofGrade 3 pupils with Hearing Impairment (HI). This is in light of persistently poor reading among pupils with HI- The PLP is aimed at developing reading abilities of pupils In early grades. However, it is unknown how well the programme is working to improve the reading abilities of Grade 3 pupils with HI-
The objectives of the study were: To assess the levels of proficiency In sign language among teachers of Grade 3 learners with HI; To establish the availability of teaching and learning materials to support in the Implementation of the PLP to children with HI in grades 3; To assess the home literacy environment to support the implementation of the PLP to learners with HI and to compare the reading performance of learners with HI to that of non-hearing Impaired learners In order to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the PLP to learners With hearing impairment_
Qualitative data was collected through In-depth interviews With teachers, administrators and parents of children with HI and focus group discussions with teachers. Qualitative data was analysed during the process of data collection. Quantitative data was collected through assessment tests of both HI and non-hearing impaired learners and was analysed using SPSS In order to establish relationships among variables. Descriptive analysis helped to calculate frequencies of variables using the cross tabulation and bivariate correlations. The research Involved 30 learners with HI, 30 non-hearing Impaired learners, 26 teachers of HI learners, 16 administrators and 13 parents. The results revealed that the PLP was poorly implemented and did not support reading skills development of HI children because: teachers were not proficient In sign language; the phonic approach was not suitable to children with HI due to its reliance on the use of sounds; children with HI had low alphabetical knowledge, materials for Instruction and learning, such as teachers' manuals, usual aids, and reading books, magazines and other printed materials were not readily available at school and at home. It was also established that schools did not have digital hearing aids, cochlear Implants and digital communication tools like computers, progectors, and video games to factilitate effective Implementation of the PLP to children with HI
Thesis of Doctor of Philosophy in Literacy and Learning.