An investigation of the challenges in implementing the international public sector accounting standard (ISPSAS) in government ministries and agencies in Zambia.
Chiwana, Rachael
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The University of Zambia
The Objective of this study was to investigate the challenges of implementing the IPSAS in government and various agencies in Zambia using descriptive research design. The scope of this research encompassed individuals associated with Government Ministries and agencies as its target population. Convenience sampling approach was employed with a sample size of 80 respondents. This research work employed a combination of primary and secondary data sources. The primary sources of data included the Questionnaire. Secondary data sources included the financial reports. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis and ANOVA. The findings revealed that the level of implementation of the IPSAS in Zambia is to a low extent. Challenges in Implementation of IPSAS include time consuming and High Implementation cost. The high implementation cost, which was highlighted by the majority of respondents. This is due to the amount and complexity of information required to comply with IPSAS. The complexity of information needs a great deal of training of accountants, which is costly. Another hindering factor that was stated by the respondents was inadequate professional capacity. The respondents noted that it would require massive recruitments to fill the staffing gaps in accounting agencies, especially in local. The study recommended that Zambian government gives priority to the development of information systems for the effective evaluation of performance within government ministries and agencies. The government should also undertake efforts to educate its
ministries and agencies about the implications of adopting the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Furthermore, it is recommended that accountants, auditors, and chief financial officers collaborate closely to facilitate the successful implementation of IPSAS in
Zambia. Lastly, acknowledging the evolving trends in finance, it is suggested that further studies be periodically conducted on the same subject and related areas within Zambia.
Thesis of Master of Business Administration - Finance.