An analysis of the performance of the revised curriculum on the provision of quality education in selected public primary schools in Kazungula District of Southern Province, Zambia
Biemba, Edith
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance of the revised curriculum on the
provision of quality education in the selected public primary schools in Kazungula District of
Southern Province, Zambia. This research study had three objectives. The first one was to assess
how well the revised curriculum was performing in the provision of quality education. The second
objective was to identify the relationship between the revised curriculum and provision of quality
education and the third was to evaluate the revised curriculum impact on the provision of quality
A descriptive research design was used in this study and data was analyzed using both quantitative
and qualitative approaches. In this study, the sixty- seven (67) sample size for this study comprised
02 ESOs from the District Education Board Office, 05)head teachers, 05 Deputy Head teachers,
10 senior teachers and 45 teachers from 05 government primary schools in Kazungula district. 45
Teachers were sampled using stratified random sampling. Simple random sampling was used to
select 6 pupils and 20 teachers while purposeful sampling was used to select 4 school
The major findings of the study were lack of quantity and quality of teaching staff to meet the
expectations of the pupils and the society, and poor condition of service for curriculum
implementation. There was also shortage of teaching learning materials, 57.9% indicated that the
revised curriculum had impact on the provision of quality education in primary schools; it has
helped learners to obtain computer literacy at an early age, it has compelled some teachers to
acquire computer literacy in order to cope with the new curriculum requirements.
Based on the findings of the study, four recommendations were given. There was need to continue
the construction of more primary schools especially in rural areas and this could be accompanied
by the construction of more classrooms so as to address the problem of teacher pupil ratio. There
was need to provide quality teaching and learning materials. These could be enough so as to
address the problem of book pupil ratio. More teachers could also be trained in handling
technological subjects. There is also need to reorient teachers on how to deliver the content of the
revised curriculum in the classroom.
Revised curriculum , Curriculum--Evaluation