Reasons for poor performance in composition writing among grade 9 pupils in selected secondary schools of Lundazi district, Zambia.

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Tembo, Kondwelani
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The University of Zambia
The study investigated reasons for poor composition writing skills amongst grade nine pupils of Lundazi district – Zambia. Grade Nine (9) level of composition writing was purposefully selected to be analyzed because this is the level at which an individual is expected to exhibit acceptable levels of competence as regards composition writing. The target population consisted of all the secondary schools in Lundazi District, all grade nine teachers of English Language, and all grade nine pupils. The sample consisted of three secondary schools; thirty pupils, nine teachers, thirty parents and three head teachers. These were interviewed, observed and engaged in focus group discussions. The research design used was a case study and data collected through semi structured interviews, observation and focus group discussions were grouped into themes according to research questions and analyzed qualitatively. The findings revealed that the pupils do not have the necessary prerequisite language skills and knowledge to write good essays and this is not eased by the fact that they don’t get much help from corporate partners such as parents as they, (parents) do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to help their children with homework. Teachers, on their part, test composition instead of teaching it. In the acquisition of the skill of writing, scaffolding is a vital requirement but composition writing has not been given the attention that it deserves by the Curriculum Development Centre, Examinations Council of Zambia, school administrators, teachers, and the pupils themselves. Following these findings, it is recommended that teachers must use appropriate methods and strategies to enhance the teaching of composition. Parents must in any way possible depending on what skills they have or just by way of monitoring and or encouraging and motivating, aid their children in composition writing. Policy makers must put in place policies that promote the teaching and learning of composition.
Thesis of Master of Education in Literacy and Learning.