Unearthing disablers in the cultivation of civic skills among learners in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district, Zambia.
Muleya, Gistered
Muntengwa, Wilfred
Namadula, Brendah
Hamainza, Viola
Simwatachela, Rachael
Kakana, Fabian
Simui, Francis
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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue IX
The thrust of this study was to unearth disablers in the
cultivation of civic skills among learners in selected secondary
schools in Lusaka, Zambia. At the core of the study, we
interrogated teaching sources, methods and evaluations in Civic
Education. Purposive sampling was applied to select participants
from the selected schools. Specifically, Civic Education teachers
formed part of the sample. Data was generated through the use
of an interview Guide. Raw data was produced, coded and
organised in themes for the purposes of drawing implications in
the discussions. The study revealed that teachers of Civic
Education were using methods that did not empower learners
with civic skills. Further, the study revealed that the teaching of
Civic Education in the schools relied mainly on lecture
approaches which did not support the development of civic skills
among the learners. The study also revealed that the lack of
teaching and learning materials coupled with over enrolments
affected the abilities of the teachers in supporting the learners to
develop the civic skills. The study therefore concludes that
teachers of Civic Education anchor their teaching on sources,
methods and evaluation and in the process fail to support the
learners in the development of civic skills. Thus, it is
recommended among others, given that Civic Education Syllabus
for Grade 10 to 12 has only Specific Outcomes based on
Cognitive Level (Knowledge based outcomes), there is a need to
revise the Syllabus so as to include the Specific Outcomes based
on Psychomotor Level (Skill based outcomes) and Affective Level
(Value based Outcomes).
Civic education teachers. , Learners. , Sources. , Methods. , Evaluation. , Civic skills.