The effectiveness of conflict resolution at Kayombo secondary school in north western province of Zambia.
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Konde, Brian
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The University of Zambia
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of conflict resolution in Zambian schools with particular focus on Kayombo Secondary School in Northwestern Province of Zambia. The study employed a descriptive case study design using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. The study data was gathered through interviews and observations. The sample comprised 12 participants consisting of 1 head teacher, 1 deputy head teacher, 2 heads of departments, 2 teachers, 4 pupils, and 2 parents. The data were analysed using text and thematic analysis, by way of coding and categorisation of emerging themes. The study revealed that, among the identified causes of conflict in school were competition, poor communication, poor school management, lack of cooperation among school administration, teachers and pupils and lack of motivation for both teachers and pupils. In terms of the prominent types of conflicts, these included interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and intragroup conflicts. Furthermore, the study revealed that conflict resolution at Kayombo secondary school generally not effective. As regards to methods used to resolve conflicts at Kayombo Secondary school, included dialogue with the parties involved in conflict with the guidance department; regular consultation with prefects to identify areas of conflict; punishing the involved parties by assigning them harsh tasks; and giving suspensions to perpetrators of conflicts. Further, the study findings revealed that majority of the respondents reported that parents were always involved in conflict resolution at the school whenever a problem arose. Arising from the above findings, the study recommended that:
1. The Ministry of General Education should organize seminars and workshops aimed at improving rapport between heads of schools, their staff , parents/guardians and a few selected pupils with a view of building good working relations; they should aim at discussing issues in relation to strategies of conflict resolution.
2. Teachers, parents, school heads, pupils and the communities should be made aware of the long and short term negative effects of conflict on teaching and learning. This can be achieved through discussions at parent day meetings and symposia. In this regard, heads of school should be vigilant and effectively monitor teachers at work.
3. Schools in general should aim to establish and strengthen the guidance and counseling committees so that they can educate pupils on better methods of handling conflicts.
4. School authorities should complement and reward students’ good behaviours and encourage them to behave well in schools. Further, school heads should educate pupils on all the conflict resolution mechanisms in the schools and sanctions for certain offences.
Conflict management--Zambia. , Dispute resolution (Law)--Zambia.