The Implementation of the Re-entry Policy in Selected Rural Schools of the Western Province from 2006 to 2008: A Case of Senanga and Shangombo Districts

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Ngombo, Maureen Chindombe
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The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the Re-Entry Policy in 10 selected rural schools of the Western Province from 2006 to 2008 in Senanga and Shangombo Districts. The study was intended to find out the opinion of the respondents and the extent to which the Re-Entry Policy was being implemented and whether head teachers followed and used the guidelines and tools in its implementation. Random sampling was used to select the five schools from each district.Statistics for 10 more schools from each district were randomly selected from the DEBS's Offices using Annual School Census Forms.Data were collected using questionnaires, in-depth interviews and documentary analysis. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected. A comprehensive literature review was carried out to determine the work done in the area of girl education and the Re-Entry Policy.The findings revealed that all the sampled schools were implementing the Policy. However, 13 years down the line from the inception of the policy, some schools did not yet possess the Re-Entry Policy Document hence some head teachers used the circular on the Re-Entry Policy while others used their own discretion.The findings also revealed that out of the 629 girls who had dropped out in the period 2006 to 2008 only 197 (31%) were re-entered, 432 (69%)were not. This was due to the value the parents attached to marriage rather than to school or due to poverty levels.The study revealed that few head teachers followed the policy document. Some sent the girls away from school for two or more years. This was against the requirements of the policy.The research revealed that 15 (50%) of the girls were impregnated by older men including teachers who just went scot free. The school boys who impregnated school girls were also not sent out of school.Head teachers were threatened with violence and faced opposition from some parents. A lot of sensitization was needed in those rural areas.The findings of the study were that out of the 114 respondents, 74 (65%) were for the opinion that the policy was good and be continued. Most respondents felt re-entry should only be done once in the regular schools.Others were for the policy to be reversed to the old one in order to reduce promiscuity and the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs. If not then Academic Production Units and Night Schools should be opened for such girts.Among the recommendations made by the researcher were that the Ministry of Education should make available the Policy Document to all rural schools, monitor and supervise the policy's implementation closely,allow girts who fall pregnant to re-enter only once in the regular schools and then open more Academic Production Units (APU) and Night Schools for those who got pregnant more than once. The Ministry of Education should sensitize the rural people on the importance of female education.Those parents who do not cooperate or threaten teachers with violence and all those who make the girls pregnant should be put to task by thecourt of law.
Re-entry Policy , Re-entry Policy-Rural Schools-Western Province-Zambia , Re-entry Policy-Shangombo Districts , Re-entry Policy-Education