Exploring performance inhibiting factors in business studies education : a case of selected secondary schools in Mbala district.
Sishekanu, Gloria Mwenda
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The University of Zambia
Everyone in the society is affected by business activities as they live, work, save, invest, spend or travel. Consequently, there is need to prepare individuals to engage in business activities with confidence and competence by understanding how businesses function and the roles they play in the society. The relevance of Business Studies Education in Secondary Schools cannot be overemphasised. The study was undertaken to investigate the performance inhibiting factors in Business Studies Education in selected Secondary Schools in Mbala District. The purpose of conducting the research was to explore the experiences of teachers and learners in the teaching and learning of Business Studies Subject in Senior Secondary Schools of Mbala District. The General Objective of the study was to analyse the factors that inhibit the performance of the learners in Business Studies Subjects (BSS) in selected Secondary Schools of Mbala District.
The Specific Objectives of the study were to: assess the level of motivation towards the teaching and learning of Business Studies Subjects, to investigate the challenges faced by the teachers and learners in teaching and learning of Business Studies Subjects and to examine the underlying causes and remedies to the poor academic performance of students in Business Studies Subjects in selected Secondary Schools of Mbala District. Various literatures were reviewed and gaps were established based on Global, Regional and Local perspectives. The study was Qualitative. It comprised of a population of 237 individuals (224 Grade 12 pupils taking Principles of Account and Commerce, 9 Business Studies Teachers and 4 Heads of Departments) from 4 Secondary Schools in Mbala District. The study sample comprised of 149 participants drawn from 4 Secondary Schools in Mbala District. The participants included 140 Grade 12 pupils taking Principles of Account and Commerce, 5 Business Studies Teachers and 4 Heads of Departments. The number of participants was determined using Slovin's Formula and the participants were selected using Purposive Sampling Technique. Semi-structured Questionnaires were used to collect Primary data from pupils, Business Studies Teachers and Business Studies Heads of Departments. Data was analysed using narrative analysis and Microsoft Excel. The research findings reviewed that motivating learners and teachers is vital in the implementation of Business Studies Education. Psychological factors attribute to the performance of the learners. The findings indicate that effective use of teaching strategies like demonstration, group work, role play, educational tour, problem based solving and teacher exposition and the use of teaching aids helps learners to retain the knowledge acquired. The conclusion of the study was that possible remedies/strategies should be implemented to improve the performance of the learners so as to sustain Business Studies Education in Mbala District. The study recommended for the introduction of Business Studies in primary schools so as to prepare learners for Business Studies Education in Secondary Schools.
Thesis of Master of Business Administration.