A needs assessment of inservice teacher education for Zambian junior secondary history teachers related to effective implementation of the 1977 educational reforms.
Mundia, Lawrence Jacob Simasiku
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The study theorised that teacher education consisted of preservice and inservice aspects. Deficiencies and emerging
changes in teaching might be addressed through inservice teacher education. Research on teacher education repurcusions of the 1977 Educational Reforms might contribute towards policy development on inservice teacher education, help formulate
relevant inservice programmes and facilitate implementation of the desired innovations.All Zambian junior history teachers in government and aided secondary schools constituted the population for the study., The sample was 100, drawn randomly from 50 schools in five provinces.Data were collected on a five-part questionnaire whose alpha reliability averaged .77 for all the Likert-type scales. Two null hypotheses were tested for significance at .01 level by Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance (W) to achieve the objective and fulfil the purpose of the study.
Inservice teacher education policy, goals and objectives were found not specifically stated. Diplomate teacher/outnumbered
the graduates considerably. All the Kendall Coefficients of concordance were significant. The need for inservice teacher
education was always present but higher with the Educational Reforms. Teachers had vested interests in the organisation of
their inservice programmes.From the findings, it was concluded that all categories of junior secondary school history teachers needed inservice teacher
education for effective implementation of the 1977 Educational Reforms. However, it was recommended that the policy, goals
and objectives of secondary school inservice teacher education should be established prior to the provision of inservice programmes. Inservice teacher education needs should be catered for per teacher category according to preferences,
intensity and priority. At least five conclusions were derived and 13 recommendations were formulated for further thought and appropriate action.
Teachers--In-Service training. , History teachers--In-Service training.