Women Participation in Development : the process of empowerment in Kazimule and Chagunda area of Chadiza

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Simanga, Nyambe
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This report is based on the findings after one month stay in Kazimule and Chagunda areas, sponsored by KEPA. The report is about women in Chadiza District in the process of development. The emphasis of the report is on empowerment which can enable women to play leading roles in their development projects. It is an indisputable fact that the theme of the role of women in the process of development has attracted a lot of NGOs who brought a number of programs in Zambia. In Chadiza, KEPA (Zambia) has brought a number of programs one of which is to assist women in the formation of group clubs, with an idea of motivating them towards development projects. Therefore, this report examines the women's development projects in Chadiza in the areas of Kazimule and Chagunda under KEPA (Zambia). The idea which is conceived by KEPA is to make the projects in Kazimule and Chagunda viable, self sustaining and at the end of the day empower participants in the decision making. It is argued in this report that, the women in Kazimule and Chagunda must be empowered and equipped with skills. Above all, the women must be assisted and motivated towards development projects. The report critically examine women development projects under auspices of KEPA (Zambia). The idea of KEPA (Zambia) to organize women group clubs viable, selfsustainable and at the end of the programme empower participants is discussed. The report concludes that sustainability may not be achieved, because members want quick returns from their clubs.
mass media and Women--kazimule--Zambia , mass media and women--Chadiza--Zambia , community participation