A framework of factors affecting employee job satisfaction in non-governmental organizations in Zambia
Banda, Patrick
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The University of Zambia
Human capital is the most precious and important asset of any organization and as such, employee job satisfaction has now become one of the top priority areas in every industry. Most NGOs in Zambia are being rendered less effective in-service delivery because there has been high prevalence of employee turnover. This has been attributed to the general perception that employees in non-governmental organizations in Zambia are not satisfied with their jobs. The purpose of this study was to identify the main factors affecting employee job satisfaction in the non-governmental organizations sector in Zambia using Herzberg two-factor theory. The study was conducted using a descriptive survey research design. The target population consisted of all the 64 fixed term employees of IITA, MCA-Zambia and PATH. These institutions were selected purposively based on their willingness to be part of the study and ease of accessibility. This study collected primary data using a thirty-seven (37) item questionnaire which included both open and close ended questions in line with the research objectives. A total of Fifty-five (55) questionnaires were distributed to the three (3) organizations, and a total of 51 questionnaires were filled and returned representing a response rate of 92.7%.
Tables and other graphical presentations were used to present the research data. The findings of this study indicate that among the six (6) job facets identified by Herzberg, only promotion and growth, job security, pay and allowances and recognition were the four main factors affecting employee job satisfaction in the NGOs sector in Zambia. It was found that most of the respondents (21) representing 41.2% of the total respondents said that, they would leave their current job in search of promotion and growth. This was further followed by 12 respondents representing 23.5% of the total respondents who indicated that they would leave their current job in search of job security. In addition, 6 respondents representing 11.8% of the total respondents said they would leave the current job because of recognition and finally 5 respondents representing 9.8% of the respondents cited pay and allowances as the reason they would leave their current employer. The study recommended that NGOs must take deliberate measures to put in place HR strategies that would encourage promotion and growth and to look for projects with longer life span that can provide job security to employees. Further, the study recommended that NGOs should provide more financial benefits to employees and give the right amount of recognition to employees for any work accomplished. Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Factors affecting employee job satisfaction
Job Satisfaction--Non-governmental organization