Effectiveness of guidance and counseling services provided in selected secondary schools in Chinsali district.
Chisanga, Bernadette
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The University of Zambia
The study was aimed at establishing the views of teachers and pupils on the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services provided in the study secondary schools of Chinsali District. The researcher used a descriptive cross sectional study design. A sample size of sixty (60) participants was drawn from three schools. Twenty (20) participants were sampled from each school. The researcher used systematic sampling to select fifteen (15) pupils and five (5) teachers were purposively selected. The pilot study was conducted in three schools which were randomly selected. Data was collected using semi – structured interview schedule and questionnaires. Data processing and analysis was done manually using the data master sheet. The researcher used frequency tables and graphs to present data and cross tabulations to show the relationship between variables. Key findings of the study included the inadequate infrastructure, number of trained teacher counsellor, lack of schedule for the guidance and counselling programmes and stakeholder involvement. The study revealed that teachers and pupils had mixed of views that are positive and negative over the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services offered in schools. Positive views were centred on improved academic performance, social and moral conduct. Negative views were more on lack of training among guidance and counselling teachers, infrastructure, resource materials and planned activities. In concluding the study, the researcher came up with the following recommendations; infrastructure expansion, ensuring availability of material resources, training and capacity building, establishment guidance and counselling departments in all schools.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling.