Opportunities and challenges of planning for virtual markets in Lusaka.

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Luapula, Pasmore
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The University of Zambia
The advent of internet and increase in the usage of information and communication technology has brought about the demand for advertising and transaction of goods and services online through the use of cyber or virtual Markets. Zambia is among the most urbanized countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and is faced with an increase in the users of social media and other digital media platforms where advertising and online transactions are taking place without the required regulations and necessary legislation to guide and regulate the virtual Markets. The study was aimed at assessing how the current planning processes can include planning for virtual urban Markets. The study was set to assess the awareness of virtual urban Markets among urban planners and to examine the potential for inclusion of virtual space in planning for urban Markets. The study was anchored on the data collected from 36 participants which were purposefully selected from institutions responsible for coordination of planning and provision of policies on Virtual Markets and regulation of trade and commerce. The participants included key informants from key institutions and practicing planners. The study findings indicated that there was general awareness among urban planners on the usage of the virtual Markets to the advertisement and transaction of products in the virtual space through cyber platforms. The results further established that though there were policies to provide for advertisement and transacting online through cyber platforms, there are no regulations and standards to guide virtual Markets in their operations. For the possible inclusion of virtual Markets in the planning, the results indicated that there was progress being made by the Government ministries in advancing Virtual Markets by promoting a Smart Zambia campaign. The results indicated a serious challenge of low internet connectivity and high levels of computer illiteracy which hindered full participation of the general citizenry in virtual Markets. Furthermore, absence of hardware such as computers, phones and software coupled with lack of coordination among sector ministries in advancing the use of virtual Markets poses a great challenge in the planning and subsequent legislation of virtual Markets. This study concludes that the inadequacy coordination, low investments in Virtual Markets, inadequate regulations of cyber Markets, high internet access divide, between the urban areas and rural areas, high risks of internet fraud and low access to internet facilities and accessories hinders successful planning for virtual urban Markets. The virtual Market transactions have changed the way people advertise and trade their products in that the physical Market has been avoided and substituted by the virtual Market and so are some of the taxes and fees due to local authorities and the Government. To regulate and plan effectively for the virtual Markets, there is need to provide regulations pertaining cyber transactions and provide necessary education to the citizenry on the importance of virtual Markets. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development together with Zambia information Communication and Technological Authority to come up with a deliberate policy of registering online firms that advertises and transact with the public. The Government should introduce taxes and revenues that are connected with local authorities on every Virtual Market created and pay directly to the council in form of a percentage or loyalties.
Thesis of Master of Science in Spatial Planning.