Common mistakes committed and challenges faced in research proposal writing by university of Zambia postgraduate students.

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Manchishi, Peter Chomba
Ndhlovu, Daniel
Mwanza, David Sani
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International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)
Proposal writing is an important part of postgraduate studies at the University of Zambia. The aim of this study was to establish the common mistakes committed and challenges faced by postgraduate students in the school of education at the University of Zambia. The study was purely qualitative. A total of 100 respondents were randomly sampled 80 of which were masters students while 20 were lecturers. Data was collected through face to face interviews with lecturers and focus group discussions with masters’ students. To do so, interview guides and focus group discussion guides were used. Data was analysed qualitatively through categorisation of data into identified themes according to research objectives. The findings of the study showed that students’ mistakes in writing the proposal included: broad and unclear topics, failure to state the problem, failure to identify the gap in the literature, using wrong methodology, misunderstanding research terminology, wrong referencing style and plagiarism. The challenges which students faced included: unavailability of lecturers for consultations, negative comments from supervisors, and limited time in which to write the proposal, lack of materials and lack of co-ordination between DRGS, Assistant Dean- School of Education and the Lecturers/ supervisors. The paper concludes that there is need to review the way the methodology course (EDR) is taught in the school of education. Further, there is need for students, lecturers, and the office of the Assistant Dean responsible for postgraduate studies and the Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies to work cohesively for the good of postgraduate studies.
proposal , mistakes , challenges , post graduate students , school of education , university of zambia , Directorate of research and graduate studies
Manchishi, P.C., Ndhlovu., D & Mwanza, D.S. (2015). Common Mistakes Committed and Challenges Faced in Research Proposal Writing by University of Zambia Postgraduate Students. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 2 (3), 126-138.