Management of risk factors of children who drop out of school: a case study of girls in Monze district.
Masaka, Inonge Stella
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The University of Zambia
Many studies on school dropouts in Zambia have concentrated on the factors
that influence Primary, Basic and Secondary school dropouts. Ministry of
Education reports have shown that there are so many school dropouts despite
the interventions and management measures put in place by the Government,
Non-governmental organisations, school and community. No studies have been
conducted in Monze District focusing on the management of girls who drop out
of school. This study aimed at establishing risk factors of high level of drop outs
among girls in two schools secondary schools, three basic schools and five
villages in Monze District from grade 5 to 12 in the period 2015 to 2018. The
objective were; to identify the Risk factors that contribute to the dropping out of
girls, to examine the strategies that exist in schools to prevent girls drop out and
to investigate the designing strategies that school managers use to involve the
community to enhance students‟ retention.
The researcher adopted a descriptive case study design. The target population
was 30 which consisted of 5 Head teachers, 10 teachers and 5 parents who were
purposely selected while 10 pupils were selected using random sampling.
Questionnaires, focus group discussions and semi structured interviews were
used to collect data. Qualitative data was analysed thematically by categorizing
related topics to the study, making themes, interpreting and summarizing them
according to the research objectives. The findings of the study showed that the school and the community still have a lot to do in order to manage the Risk
factors. The major factors were three themes; to identify the risk factors that
affects girls‟ retention in schools in Chikuni and Rusangu area, to examine
management strategies that are used by schools to prevent girls drop out and to
investigate the strategies that the community use to enhance girls‟ retention.
Some recommendations from the findings are; Government should continue to
sensitize girls, parents and guardians the importance of girls‟ education,
establish colleges and skill training centres in Monze District so as to motivate
girls to continue with education. The researchers has recommended for further
studies on Management of Risk factors and concludes by encouraging the
Government to revise the Education Reforms by including Management of Risk
Girls--Education--Zambia. , Educational equalization--Zambia.