The role of religious education in promoting democracy and human rights in selected secondary schools in Kabwe district of Zambia.

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Chimfwembe, Mwenya
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The University of Zambia
This study investigated the role of RE in the promotion of democracy and human rights in schools and focused on selected secondary schools in Kabwe district. The first objective was to establish what was taught on democracy in secondary school RE syllabuses. The second objective was to establish what was taught in secondary school RE syllabuses concerning human rights. The third objective was to explain how secondary school RE promote democracy while the fourth objective was to explain how secondary school RE promote human rights. The study used the descriptive design and qualitative strategy in order to fully address issues raised by the research questions. Purposive sampling, systematic random sampling and stratified sampling techniques were used to select teacher respondents, learners from the single sex school and learners from the co-education school, respectively. A mixed data collection strategy was employed to allow methodological triangulation to achieve greater validity and reliability. Document analysis of the RE syllabuses 2044 and 2046 was done. In addition, semi-structure interviews were carried out with teachers. Focus group discussion was used with the pupils. The researcher also observed actual classroom teaching of RE lessons. The major findings of the study were that democratic and human rights values such as accountability, respect, tolerance, freedom of expression, justice, responsibility and freedom of choice were taught in both syllabuses 2044 and 2046 at senior secondary level. The role of RE in promoting democracy was to teach learners knowledge regarding democracy which touches on respect, accountability, tolerance, responsibility, freedom of expression, fairness so that they may break the silence, be free to question certain beliefs and practices but also respect others people‟s democratic rights. Furthermore, the role of RE was to transform learners‟ thinking through teaching them human rights values that may empower them to enjoy and exercise their rights and respect and uphold the rights of others. The study concluded that some democratic and human rights values were taught in senior secondary schools in Kabwe district. RE provides a conducive environment for inculcation and development of a sense of respect for others, justice, responsibility and tolerance in learners. These values can help the learners to respect their own and other people‟s rights both at school and in society. Based on the foregoing findings, the study recommended that there should be more emphasis on human rights and democracy in RE so that religious pluralism and respect for different beliefs and values may be promoted and that learners can gain better awareness of governance issues in society.
Thesis of Master of Education in Religious Studies