Characterization of selected Zambian rice (ORYZA SATIVA) accessions using simple sequence repeat markers
Munsaka, Siankuku
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University of Zambia
The study was undertaken to assess the genetic diversity among some selected Zambian rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) molecular markers. There appears to be little or no information on the genetic or agronomic traits of the locally grown rice crop in Zambia. Information on the accessions that have been released as well as characteristics such as their responses to biotic factors such as fungal and bacterial pathogens or abiotic factors such as water stress is not available. A systematic rice seed system or breeding program appears to be non-existent. The aim of the study was to analyze the genetic diversity of selected rice accessions grown in various regions of Zambia. Thirty accessions were selected for genetic diversity analysis using ten simple sequence repeat molecular markers; RM5, RM168, RM7, RM13, RM225, RM452, RM211, RM205, RM413, and RM463. These were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analyzed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Most of the primers showed distinct polymorphisms among the accessions studied, indicating the robust nature of microsatellites in revealing polymorphism. Great relatedness within and among accessions. Only RM 225 produced two to three bands in the accessions with the rest producing a single band was observed; with most of them appearing as single alleles, a single band averaging between 79-200 bp. Cluster analysis via a dendrogram revealed that most of the accessions were closely related and clustered into two major groups designated A and B. Only one accession (ZM8321) appeared to be distinct and distantly related to all the other 29 accessions. Cluster B contained the rest of the 29 accessions which were subdivided into 8 sub-clusters. Of the 29, accessions ZM8295 from Samfya District and ZM8313 from Kaputa District showed 100% similarity meaning that they are in fact the same accession. The results of the molecular characterization may provide a useful foundation for genetic improvement of rice as it creates baseline information to the rice germplasm to broaden the genetic base of cultivated rice in some parts of Zambia.
Rice , Fertilization of plants , Rice--Varieties--Zambia , Rice--Genetics.