Influence of head teachers’ leadership styles on learner academic performance in selected secondary schools in Manyinga district of North Western province, Zambia.

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Kanchele, Wallace
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The University of Zambia
The Headteacher as the chief executive of a school is responsible for the quality performance in the school. He or she bears the ultimate responsibility for the overall performance, proficiency and effectiveness of the school. His or her role is to promote high academic performance in a school. The success of what is done in the school is mostly attributed to the Headteacher. He or she is the pivot around which many aspects of the school revolve, being the person in charge of every detail of running the school, be it academic or administrative. Schools can make a difference to learner achievement and the Head teachers leadership style is one which can determine the success or the failure of the school programmes. It is therefore important that the performance of a school is appraised against the performance the person who leads it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leadership styles of head teachers on the learner`s academic performance in selected public secondary schools in Manyinga District. The study attempted to find out the many leadership styles used, the relationship between school head teacher’s leadership style and the learner`s academic achievement and finally it attempted to establish how leadership style enhances academic performance in schools. The study was qualitative in approach and it used a case study design. The target population was public secondary schools in Manyinga District. Schools which had presented learners examination results from 2018 to 2020 were sampled using the purposive sampling design and thus a total of 4 head teachers, 12 teachers and 24 learners were sampled. Two types of research instruments were used in the study to collect data and these were interviews and focus group discussions. Qualitative data was coded using thematic analysis where it was categorized, tabulated and arranged under themes and sub themes in relation to the many concerns of the entire study. Finding of the study showed that head teachers leadership styles had an effect on learner`s academic performance and no single leadership style is effective unless they are combined. From the findings, the study recommended that head teachers should involve all the stakeholders in decision making, head teachers and teachers should be trained in leadership and teacher-training institutions should incorporate it in their curriculum. Key terms: Leadership styles, Headteacher, learner, academic performance, secondary school
Educational leadership. , Leadership style--Head teachers. , Leadership--Academic performance.