The 2012 List of Health Facilities

dc.contributor.authorMInistry of Health
dc.descriptionList of health facilities in Zambiaen
dc.description.abstractThis report presents information on the List of Health Facilities in the country, for 2012. It is the fourth (4th) publication that the Ministry of Health has produced since 2002 with subsequent ones produced in 2008 and 2010. It provides comparable cross-sectional facility statistics on key public health interventions being implemented at all levels of the health service delivery system. Since 2008, the Ministry has been compiling this information for dissemination to the general public, every after two (2) years with the recent publication done in 2010. Therefore, in view of the dynamic growth in the number of health facilities that have been established (especially health centres and health posts), it has become imperative for the Ministry to update this list so that the report is disseminated to the general public and other policy makers. Unlike the 2008 and 2010 Health Facility Listing reports that only covered limited information for each health facility, this report presents detailed information on the following aspects: (i) Background statistics for each health facility such as facility type, facility owner, number of beds & cots, number of outreach sites, distance from the health facility to the furthest outreach site and distance of facility from District Medical Office. (ii) Key health services offered for each health facility such as PMTCT, Male circumcision, HIV and VCT services, availability of TB diagnostic services, EMONC services, dental services, X-ray, availability of CD4 machine theatre , mother waiting shelter, among others. (iii) Main communication mode, source of power, water & SMARTCARE for each health facility (e.g. radio or telephone system), main source of power the health facility uses (hydro, gen. set or solar), water source (500m radius from HF ), among others. Suffice to also mention that the report has included information for Muchinga Province, created from districts that were part of Northern Province (i.e. Chinsali, Isoka, Mpika and Nakonde) and Eastern Province, i.e Chama. The new district of Mafinga which forms part of the sixth district of the new Province of Muchinga was created by taking the whole of Isoka East Constituency. Since the new province was created by taking the districts, without altering existing district boundaries, health facility totals for the newly created province of Muchinga, have been easily extracted from the original areas that were part of Northern and Eastern provinces, accordingly. This therefore means that the new totals for Northern and Eastern provinces are lower for 2012 compared to the previous reports published, due to loss of four (4) and one (1) district from Northern and Eastern provinces, respectively. It is my sincere hope that this publication would make it easier to find specific information about the level, location and key services provided by each health facilities in the country. It is also my expectation that this publication would assist in data analysis and use of infrastructure- based information by policy makers, programme managers and co-operating partners in addressing challenges related to improving access and utilization of health services. In order to further improve the contents and presentation of subsequent publications, any feedback on this report would be greatly appreciated.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of stateen
dc.identifier.citationMinistry of Health (2012). The 2012 List of Health Facilitiesen
dc.publisherUniversity of Zambia, Medical Libraryen
dc.relation.ispartofseries;(Version No. 15)
dc.subjectHealth Facilititiesen
dc.titleThe 2012 List of Health Facilitiesen
dc.title.alternativePreliminary Reporten
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