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- ItemBasic Isotope thyroid Parameters in Zambia(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1978-12) Mikolajkow, A.T., CreatorThe paper analyses basic isotope thyroid parameters in 20 normal Zambians. The results of tests (excluding uptake studies) do not differ t.rom those established elsewhere but the range of thyroid radioiodinc uptakes is wide. It may be explained by the mixed nature of the sample of patients with regard to iodine intake.
- ItemInformation & Communication Technology Standards and Guidelines(Ministry of Health, 2014-02) Ministry of HealthThis document establishes the Information & Communications Technology Standards and Guidelines for the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health is responsible for health in this country and it has embraced ICTs as an integral tool in its quest to deliver quality health services as close to the family as possible. These guidelines do not only prescribe the standards for hardware and software to be used in the Ministry of Health and its institutions, but also outlines the information communications technologies available in the 21st Century. The guidelines also provide a framework to leverage the application and exploitation of cutting edge ICT technologies in the health care delivery system. The Information and Communications Technology Standards and Guidelines are therefore intended to give guidance on the procurement, usage, maintenance and safe disposal of all ICT hardware and software in order to ensure appropriate standards and guidelines are followed and adhered to. Users of these guidelines are encouraged to send feedback to the ICT Unit on their utilitisation and content to assist in their future development. This shall help the Unit to ensure that standards and guidelines evolve to meet emerging requirements.
- ItemFactors contributing to physical gender based violence reported at Ndola Central Hospital, Ndola,Zambia: A case control study(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2016) Ngonga, Z.To determine socio-demographic factors associated with gender-based violence (GBV). A case control study was conducted at Ndola Central Hospital Casualty Department. The study was conducted from December 2015 to July 2016. A sample size of 85 cases and 85 controls was calculated after a pilot study of 30 cases and 30 controls was conducted. Out of the pilot study 60% of people who drink alcohol reported that they experienced GBV- physical assault while 27.6% of people who drink alcohol reported that they did not experience GBV- physical assault. Based on these outcomes the sample size was calculated using Stat. Calc in Epi-Info version 7 with the power at 80%. From the adjusted odds ratio alcohol drinking increases the likelihood of GBV- physical assault by 2.25 times. Those living in high density areas are 2.23 times more at risk of GBV physical assault. Females are 2.27 times at risk of GBV physical assault unlike males. Measures: The dependant (outcome) variable is GBV physical assault. The independent (predictor) variables are; alcohol abuse, income level, area of residence and gender. These were chosen because these are some of the risk factors of GBV-physical according to literature. Results: Out of the 179 patients who participated in the study, 93(52%) reported to have experienced GBVphysical assault regardless of age. Morefemales 67(68.4%) experienced GBV physical assault than males 26(32.1%). More than 2/3 of those who reported alcohol drinking 51(69.9%) experienced GBV-physical assault and only 40(40.0%) among those who did not report the outcome. Those from high density 82(56.9%) reported having experienced more GBV physical assault compared to 5(23.8%) of those from low density areas. Conclusion: There is need for healthy life styles to be encouraged such as control of alcohol consumption in order to reduce GBV – physical assault due to alcohol intake. Sensitization campaigns and educational programmes ought to be intensified in order to address factors that make females more prone to GBV-physical assault than males. Living in a high density area is a risk factor of GBV- physical assault as compared to living in a low density area. Therefore more sensitization programmes should be put in place at a societal level to reduce GBV – physical assault in such communities
- ItemExtraction and demonstration of uterotonic activity from the root of steganotaenia araliacea hochst(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2017) Goma, F. M.; Lengwe, C.; Lengwe, C.; Prashar, L.; Chuba, D.; Nyirenda, J.; Ezeala, C.The root of Steganotaenia araliacea is used for assisting labour in folk medicine. Recent reports indicate that the root could possess uterotonic substances. The study aimed to evaluate three methods for the extraction of uterotonic principles from the root of S. araliacea growing in Zambia. Roots of the plant were collected from Chongwe District of Zambia. The air-dried roots were size-reduced, and the powdered material extracted with hot ethanol, hot distilled water, and cold distilled water. The solvent extracts were 0concentrated and dried at 110 C. Solutions of the hot aqueous and cold aqueous extracts were prepared in distilled water and used for organ bath experiments to demonstrate uterotonic activities using strips of pregnant rat uterus. The frequencies and amplitude of contractile forces were recorded. The amplitudes were plotted against log concentration of extract with GraphPad Prism software, and the EC50 values determined. The results showed that percentage yields were 31.3 % for the hot aqueous extract, 8.15 % for the ethanolic extract, and 3.27 % for the cold aqueous extract. The cold aqueous extract showed higher potency (EC50 of 0.54 mg/ml) compared to the hot aqueous extract (EC50 of 2.09 mg/ml). The conclusion were that root extracts of S. araliacea possess demonstrable uterotonic effects. Extraction of the roots for this purpose could benefit from preliminary defatting with organic solvents, followed by successive extraction with hot and cold water.
- ItemIntroduction of partographic records in a District hospital in Zambia and development of nomograms of cervical dilatation(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1977-08) Steward, P.Partographic records of labour have been successfully introduced in a district hospital in Zambia. Nomograms of cervical dilatation show no significant difference compared to those obtained by other workers in other parts of the world. There was no difference in the duration of the active phase of the lst stage of labour between multiparous patients (para 1 4) and grand multiparous patients (para greater than 4).