A study to determine factors contributing to high incidences of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents of Lusaka urban district.

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Imasiku, Monde Mukelabai Christine.
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Sexually transmitted infections (STDs) refer to infections contracted through sexual contact. The common ones are syphilis, chancroid, gonorrhoea, Chlamydia and the deadly incurable Human Immuno Virus /Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Anyone can contract STIs regardless of age, sex, social economic status. However, adolescents are more at risk due to their being sexually active. Another factor is that adolescence is a period of irresponsible behaviour due to the unstable developmental stage. Adolescence exposes the youths to sexual behaviours of engaging in unprotected sex, hence the risk of STI contraction and early pregnancy, Adolescents need to be safeguarded against risky health behaviors, such as engaging in illicit, unprotected sex, which predisposes them to higher risk of contracting STI/HIV/AIDS. Therefore, long term interventions.to curtail STIs among adolescents would not only benefit the nation, but the world over since they constitute a higher proportion of the overall world population. It has been said "healthy people make a healthy nation". The study aimed at determining factors contributing to high incidences of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents of Lusaka urban district. Literature reviewed on STI was from various sources globally, regionally and nationally.
Sexually transmitted diseases. , Youth --Sexual behavior --Lusaka Urban,Zambia. , HIV infections --Lusaka Urban,Zambia.