An assessment of the Impact of partnership in educational provision to vulnerable HIV/AIDS-affected children in Chongwe District

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Daka, Harrison Sainan
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This study highlights the impact of partnership in educational provision to vulnerable HIV/AIDS - affected children in Zambia. It was conducted in Chongwe District in Lusaka Province. Chongwe Distrie\has four chiefdoms and is occupied by soli speaking people. Part of chief Nkomesha's area was used as the study site. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used for data collection. The researcher used a questionnaire, Focus Group Discussions and interviews as data cellection instruments. The District Commissioner, District Education Board Secretary, Education Officers, Health workers, community leaders, World Vision area Manager and the Communities participated in the questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion sand /or interview exercises. The questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion document had close and open-ended questions while interviews were unstructured. The respondents were therefore free to express their views. The findings of the study revealed that partnership in educational provision to vulnerable HIV/AIDS-affected children had a positive impact. The partners contributed to nutrition, health care, shelter and clothing ofthe vulnerable children, motivating them to continue with education. The guardians and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) cited lack of provision of life-skills and psycho-social care .Bad morals like beer drinking by boys and early involvements in sexual relations by girls were things that contributed to school dropout. Poor implementation of government policy was also found to be affecting vulnerable children's access to education. This was evidenced by unfulfilled promises, e.g. vulnerable children were not a priority in as far as the distribution of education materials and enrolments are concerned, even if written policy stated so. There was also government's failure to distribute educational materials to basic schools. The study ended up recommending that the government should improve the funding to basic schools as a solution to the main problem of charging pupils through Parent Teacher Associations (P.T.A.). The discovered that providing life- skills training to vulnerable children would best address the problem of continual dependence on Non Governmental Organisations (NGO). In addition to this, households headed by grandparents, children and chronically ill guardians should be empowered with livestock restocking for selfsustainance. It was also recommended that NGOs should concentrate on rural areas where no other NGO operated from.
Education -- Zambia , HIV/AIDS -- Zambia , Partnership---Education